
Lotsa Little Tootsie Pops!

I got lotsa little tootsie pops! Yay me!

You: *coughweirdocough*

Me: Shut up.

You: Are you going to do this every time?

Me: Most likely...

You: You need a life...

Me: I know. But at least I'm not some random person who happened to stumble across this blog and can't get away...

You: Hey!

Me: I speak the truth...

You: :P

Me: XD

You: : o

Me: 0.o

You: Are we going to stop this any time soon?

Me: You just did. And now you die! XD

You: But I don't want to die.

Me: Well... There is always the option of you leaving.

You: Fine! I will.

Me: YES!

You: I'm still here!

Me: Dang it...

You: I heard that!

Me: You were supposed to.

You: Weirdo....

Me: I like Tootsie Pops!

You: ...

Me: *laughs evily*

You: *high pitched sing song voice* Weirdo....

Me: Is your vocabulary that limited or do you just not want to use big words for fear of sounding stupid?

You: Uh...

Me: No comment? Then I declare you guilty!

*bars run across your face and you stare blankly*

You: What the?

Me: Muahahahahaha!

You: Wow... You are crazy...

Me: Your starting to sound like that dude who is in my class...

You: Maybe I am!

Me: 0.o

You: Are we stoping this anytime soon?!

Me: Yeah... Right now.

You: Finally!

Me: I haven't stopped it yet!

You: So what?! I don't care! Now will you let me out of jail?

Me: No.

You: ...

Honestly... I would have thought you would have stopped reading this a long time ago... Wow...

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