
Stars and Shadows (For Maria)

See? Told you I would get around to it! This is the song that was written around my star that my Young Womens leader wanted to read so badly...

Stars and Shadows
I love the smell of your window pane
At two AM in the morning
Write down your life
Make sure you remember everything I've said
Watch as I hang the moon
In the day sky
Fall back as I shout
Out my name

In this land of
Broken, fallen, storybook fairytales
The books are missing their endings
Manipulate your life into words
That will fit
These pre-designed meanings

Stare as they fabricate
Their own helpless happiness
Feel as the roses turn white
Don't forget, forever remember
They'll find the star that you taught
And bleep out the name
With this all I have two lines to go
Sorry to scare you to death

In this land of
Broken, fallen, storybook fairytales
The books are missing their endings
Manipulate your life into words
That will fit
These pre-designed meanings

Castles that tell
Of their morbid romances
And of the evil breathing their fire
Loose it all
On my woven lies
The checker board pieces are moving
Remain in your seat, it's not over yet
This isn't even the beginning

In this land of
Broken, fallen, storybook fairytales
The books are missing their endings
Manipulate your life into words
That will fit
These pre-designed meanings

The world floats
On dark lit clouds
The edges are crumbling and falling
Watch where you step
It may be your last
Turn to the next page
And read

In this land of
Broken, fallen, storybook fairytales
The books are missing their endings
Manipulate your life into words
That will fit
These pre-designed meanings

Well there you go, that's the whole thing. Hope you liked it. -_-



Isn't he cute? Yeah, I know he's been here before but...still. HE'S CUTE! GET OVER IT!!!


Girls Camp '07

Well, I have just returned from girls camp which was about 3 days. Not terribly long, but that's just peachy with me. The first day, we unpacked, set up our cabins, etc. Nothing horribly exciting. However, since I had gone to bed at 1:00 am that morning, I was utterly exhausted. Especially since I didn't sleep at all. I took a nice nap during dinner. On the floor, behind Felicia. :D The leaders were all amazed. Now everyone wants to be able to sleep on the floor in a room of hundreds of people talking. It's not that amazing, honestly. The second day, our ward took showers. Other than that and my nap, nothing too exciting. Granted, sleeping isn't at all exciting anyway. The third day was the best. We went ice blocking, it was our turn for dinner, and we played in the river. That night was testimony meeting as well, and I did talk, and I did cry. Nobody there, (with the exception of the priesthood leaders) didn't cry. I have a sunburn on my shoulders, and withing the next couple of days/weeks, I will be very stressed. No negative comments please. Not that there is much here that you could comment negatively on...


Another post in one day!

Lets see if I can do it...
( )_( )
( o_ o)
( O )
( _)(_)

Does that look like a bunny to you? Cuz I think it KINDA does. A slightly retarded bunny... OK, more than slightly retarded. But it's my bunny and you can't do anything about it. :P

I am currently being quizzed on my lack of knowledge on wrestlers. 0_0

I should go blow up a toilet.


I just ate him! I ate Brice! Oh no!!! Mwhahaha!!! This should turn out interesting. Dun dun dun.... And now I'm eating ice cream. I'm bored, the snake eyes just fell... Doodle has left us for camp. So sad. Peder has returned from camp. Yay! I'm leaving for camp! Lucky mom and dad get nearly a full month without at least one of their children a week! Haha. Bored bored bored. I should go do that... In fact, I think, I will. Hm. What's that from again? I will give a brownie to anyone who can tell me the answer.


The Impossible Quiz

Alright. For those of you with far too much time like myself, I think you will enjoy this. Maren hates it, but I think it's fun. See how far you can get! Paul, this is mainly for you because you're probably the only one who will actually do it.


Play the quiz and tell me your score!


Another Pointless Post...

Nothing, I mean NOTHING has happened. Of course I've been rehearsing like crazy for the musical, which is at the end of this month. It seems like it's coming so fast! But I'm not nervous, I don't get nervous about stuff like that... The platform that we dance on however, is another story. I swear that thing is going to collapse! It's so scary! Just you wait Boxy, you'll see! That thing is evil!!!! It's going to kill us all! Whoville is going to collapse too, I just know it.

Alright, lets start naming my phobias:

Cenophobia - Fear of empty spaces
Ophthalmophobia - Fear of being stared at
Demophobia - Fear of crowds
Autophobia - Fear of being alone
Scopophobia - Fear of being seen
Kenophobia - Fear of void
Tremophobia - Fear of trembling
Altophobia - Fear of heights

If you combine the last two, you get my fear of the platform... 0_0
Anywho, good night peeps!

~ me



Hey? Sup? I've got some flippin' awesome pics for the third movie of Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End. :) This should be pretty cool!

Of course there are others, but anyone who knows me knows that I don't like Will Turner all that much... Of course if you know me, and I don't know you, you have been officially labeled "creepy" in my book. Anywho.... Here's the link.


Oh, and FYI, the link isn't for all of them. :) And I think I'll add these just cuz... well....

Alright, I'm done now!!!


I'm feeling particularly evil today...

Don't ask why, I just am... I should commence evil plot Z!!!! What is evil plot Z, you ask? Well I'm not going to tell you! That's how evil I am!

*lightning flashes*

Hey look! Real lightening!!! I must be so evil!!! Now for the thunder!

I know that's not really thunder but... It looks cool!!!

Does anybody else think this frog is weird?

Cuz I happen to find it very disturbing... 0_0

Oh no!!! It's a war!!!

Man the gun


AAAh! Run away!!!!

Ooh no!!!

It's the end of the world as we know it!!!

And we feel fine...


I'm bored/tired

Hi. Again. Don't you just wish I'd go away? Well too bad, cuz I'm not leaving!!!!!! So just get the freaking heck over it! I have the song we're singing in choir stuck in my head... 0_0

Me: *falls over dead*

Vespera: She's dead!

Chay: Uh oh...

Shift: Woof!

Me: *still dead*

Vespera: What do we do?

Chay: I have no idea...

Shift: Woof!

Me: *still dead*

Vespera: I'm hungry...

Chay: Me too...

Shift: Woof!

Me: *dead*

Vespera: But since we live in Berit's head, we can't have any food because she's the one who imagines us food! And now she's dead!

Chay: Dang...

Shift: Woof!

Vespera: Wait, if she's dead, how come we're still here?

Chay: I have no idea...

Shift: Woof!

Vespera: Do you ever?

Chay: No, not really...

Shift: Woof!

Me: *comes back alive*

Vespera: Yay! Now we can have food!

Chay: Yes!

Shift: Woof!

Me: No freaking way! *falls over dead again*

Vespera: Now what?

Chay: I have no idea...

Shift: Woof!

And that is it for tonight, because despite the fact that's it's not even 9:00 yet, I am exhausted!