
I'm feeling particularly evil today...

Don't ask why, I just am... I should commence evil plot Z!!!! What is evil plot Z, you ask? Well I'm not going to tell you! That's how evil I am!

*lightning flashes*

Hey look! Real lightening!!! I must be so evil!!! Now for the thunder!

I know that's not really thunder but... It looks cool!!!

Does anybody else think this frog is weird?

Cuz I happen to find it very disturbing... 0_0

Oh no!!! It's a war!!!

Man the gun


AAAh! Run away!!!!

Ooh no!!!

It's the end of the world as we know it!!!

And we feel fine...


  1. Those freaky animals should join the Poke thread...

  2. This looks like a job for the RESCUE RANGERS--retconned into the mid-1940's as an Allied Special Black Ops Task Force!
